Photo Challenge: Dreamy / Nightmare?

I spent most of yesterday afternoon catching the last of the Walking Dead marathon, and  while waiting for the Season Five premier later that evening I got an idea when I remembered I had some old Barbie dolls, that I bought from a local charity shop, with the intention with making some alterations.

I’m not ashamed to admit that this show has influenced, (I know I should read the Graphic Novels, but I’m enjoying not being spoiled in the slightest, I’ll pick them up when the show is over), my dreams, or should that be nightmares? At least I’ve not dreamt of sparkly vampires.  I can’t imagine what I’d do if something like this could ever happen, I can only hope I’d be like Carol and in my dreams I am, which is surprising because I’ve never held a real gun and only know which end I should be pointing away from myself.

I initially called them “Wine Walkers,” but that sounds like White Walkers from A Game of Thrones, (fabulous, but it’s not what was influencing me at this moment), so I’ve renamed them the “Walking Winos,” but be rest assured, I “pulled a Carol” and rescued the wine.

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